But, the one verse that really sticks out was taught by a lady from my home town named Helen Holden, who taught us this verse. John 3:3 Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.
I have never forgotten that verse. I recently taught through the Gospel of John and was reminded all over again of its importance. We all MUST be Born Again.
Here is another part of that story. Years later I was either going or coming back from Bible School in my car and my parents were following behind in their car. I decided to pick up a hitch hiker. Don't do that! I was young! I remember him as an older man, although at that point in my life I thought 45 was old. We got talking and it turns out he was related to Helen Holden the Kids Crusade leader who taught me that verse. I had the opportunity to share it with him, I gave him a Bible, prayed with him and parted ways. I have no idea what ever happened to him but I was able by God's Grace to plant a seed in this man's life because of the seed that was planted in my life many years earlier. You Must Be Born Again.
Here is my point, to the leaders, teachers, helpers and all volunteers, you never know when seeds are planted how they will grow and be passed to others. What the children and the adults learned this past week can produce fruit many years later.
Great JOB! Special shout out to all the youth who helped, incredible!! Keep serving Jesus! He is Worth It!!